• Renginiai:


̇Erasmus+ project Bridge2Teach: Short-term joint staff training event
Bridging course leaders training event, May, 2022, Olomouc
Erasmus+ project Bridge2Teach: a short communication with dr. Renata Holubova on Physics Education, May, 2022, Olomouc


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PDF.jpg ̇Transnational project meeting M1 - Kick-off and planning meeting
PDF.jpg Presentation of "Bridge2Teach" at Mancosa University, South Africa
Prof.dr. Vincentas Lamanauskas Dr. Dalia Augienė Dr. Violeta Šlekiene
PDF.jpg Presentation of "Bridge2Teach" at Pedagogical University of Cracow
Prof.dr. Vincentas Lamanauskas
PDF.jpg Presentation of "Bridge2Teach" at XVIII International Scientific Conference about ideas in the Education of the 12st century in Siedlce
Prof.dr. Vincentas Lamanauskas
PDF.jpg Presentation of "Bridge2Teach" at 20th Conference of Czech and Slovak Physicists, Prague, September, 2020. https://indico.cern.ch/event/851173/
Prof.dr Renata Holubová
PDF.jpg Presentation of "Bridge2Teach" at University of Palermo GRIM - workshop Enhancement of research excellence in Mathematics Teacher Knowledge, December,2021
Prof.dr Benedetto Di Paola
PDF.jpg Presentation of "Bridge2Teach" at the 2022 Classroom Teaching Research for All Students Conference (CTRAS),  June, 2022
Prof.dr Benedetto Di Paola